KellyN, check out the website www.ovulex.com I have only heard good things about it. It's all natural herbs, and it gives your body everything it needs to concieve. It's 100% guaranteed. It's has a better success rate than all other fertility treatments, including IVF and all that. It just evens out all hormone issues and everything. There is an ovulex post on these boards, you should check it out. A lot of people with PCOS get pg on ovulex. Anyways I am supposed to get it tomorrow and I will let you know how it goes. Beth, time is flying by! Congrats to you and DH! My hubby never ended up leaving, the water subsided and they didn't need the divers anymore. Good news for me. But he is still leaving in January for 6 months...it would be nice to be pg by then! I am crossing my fingers that ovulex is the answer. Talk to you soon!
Here is the post about it KellyN:
hello girls, thankyou for answering my question.I am going to make an appointment to see dr and discuss pcos and pregnancy.I am concerned as i have read that having pcos you have a higher rate of mc, i had one last year a couple of months before finding out i had pcos.I am in england my dr said that when i'm ready to try and conceive again they may need to put me on something to help me ovulate(i'm getting monthly af and cervical mucas seems to come around the 14 days after af)I am concerned about low progesterone and insulin levels.I have read this can be a problem if you have pcos,and have read that some ladies are given progesterone supplements to keep a pregnancy. Straight after my mc last year i had ultasound and was told my ovaries looked great,i had blood tests which determined pcos so i am worried that maybe my hormones caused mc or maybe it was just one of those things.I no i need to see dr for my own piece of mind. Thankyou again for responding to my questions i have read many sites on here but this one in particular i have found very interesting friendly and ongoing.
Hi everyone! This will be my last post for a week or so, since I will be on vacation starting tonight. Hope everyone is doing well. Kellie I read the thread that you are talking about. Ovulex sounds interesting. I like that it is a natural approach. If my doc starts suggesting surgery (like he keeps hinting he will), I may try that instead. I see adoption in my future before surgery. Sharni, sounds like you've got a good plan. I think you are doing the right thing going to see a doc since pcos can screw things up pretty quick. Louise, good luck to you with your gynos. I know you will be on track soon, and be able to ttc. Let us know how the weight loss is coming. Me with my pcos, could easily become overweight if I'm not careful. Luckily I get a lot of exercise in with all the outdoor activities I'm always doing. Kellyb, let us know how everything is going, girl. I sure hope you get a bfp tihs month. Beth needs a pg partner!!! Beth, I can't wait to hear about your u/s next week and what you see. That u/s stuff sounds soo cool!!! Be good guys!!! And LOADS of baby dust!!!! -kelly
Hey KellyN, Have a GREAT trip. Thanks for the hope of a bfp. I hope the same for you. DH and I have been discussing adoption also. I will let you know about the scan results. Have lots of fun!!! Kellyb
Hi gals! I made an appt. with my hairdresser (also a friend) this weekend and she told me she was 6-7 weeks pregnant! I'm telling you this because she and her bf had been doing the deed for 4 years and nothing. Then Bam, pregnant. Just keep you hopes up and we will all get our own bfp!!!
Hey Guys! Just thought I would check in. I recieved my Ovulex on Saturday and was so excited to start it. I am hoping this is my month! I bought a 3 month supply so I am going to give it that, and if I am not pg, than I will go back to the doc. But hubby's Sperm count should be enough to knock me up! :) as long as everything is right with me. They say that ovulex takes 2-4 weeks to become fully effective so it may not be this month since I am due to ovulate in the next few days. But I will keep you girls posted. If I finally get my BFP you will know it was because of the ovulex! KellyN I am really pulling for you, however I don't think I would go through surgery and all that either. Maybe you should take the natural approach. I have a friend who tried for 4 years, with no luck. She told me that IUI and clomid and other drugs like that, they don't change anything about your body, they are just trying to force pregnancy anyway. Sometimes it works (BETH!! I am so excited for you!!) and sometimes it doesn't. But it may be as simple as an imbalance in your body. So we will see if ovulex does the trick. Keep updating everyone! Talk to you soon!
Hi everyone sorry I haven't checked in for a while I've been so busy lately getting things wrapped up at work since this is my last week in my current position!! Things are still going great here my last U/S was about a week ago and I saw the baby moving it's arms and legs and head around it's even gotten itself vertex (head down) it was head up the week before so it's an active little one. I'm starting to look pregnant which is a bit strange for me, I've always been REALLY thin and even though I've only gained 2 lbs my tummy is sticking right out enough that people ask when the baby's due! When I say April they ask if it's twins, I know for SURE that it's NOT!
Kellie I looked into ovulex as well I just can't take a lot of natural products because of my blood clotting disorder and the meds I'm on but I thought it sounded great! Good luck with it!
KellyN hope your trip is wonderful and relaxing.
KellyB keep us posted, what is planned for this cycle? U/S right? It must be coming up soon if I'm keeping dates correctly
Everyone keep us posted I'm really hoping for a PG partner soon!
Baby Dust to all!
Hello ladies. I went for my scan yesterday. Everything looked good. Doc said I have one follicle that is 18mm and my lining is 10 mm. We are going to try 2 more cycles of Clomid if this month I don't get pregnant. I asked him what is the next step and he said after the next 2 cycles if nothing happens we should look into Laporoscopy (sp?) which is where the laser off some of my lining to make sure I don't have endo or something like that. I have a friend who has endometriosis and she said that sounds kinda wierd considering when they do that surgery it can create scar tissue which in turn can make it harder to conceive. I don't think I am going to do it. My dh and I both agreed if there is nothing wrong between the 2 of us, then we will just let nature take its course. I am supposedly going to ovulate within 48 hours as of my appt yesterday at 4:00. So here goes the BD!! Beth, that is great about the baby. It sounds sooo exciting. Did you cry??? I probably would've just like a baby. I'm very glad to hear everything is going good with your pregnancy. The baby will be here before you know it. Well, back to work. Have a good day everyone.
KellyB sounds like the scan went great! No I didn't cry at the u/s which is amazing since sappy comercials make me cry these days. I was just SO EXCITED that I wanted to scream.
Good luck with this cycle sounds like everything is going well so far. Keep us posted
Hi gals. Well, I'm hoping I just wasn't timing my ovulation right. We'll see this cycle. I am going to do 2 more cycles of Clomid and we've decided to take a break for 3 months. Then I may think about the laparoscopy. It's all just a little overwhelming, I know you all know what I mean. Good luck to everyone and I'll check back in later. Kellyb
hi gals......i went to the dr's wed....went fully prepared with charted af's so far this year....and some notes that i'd taken down on pcos. The Dr drew me a chart and told me that i would be ovulating fourteen days before my next af... which i knew anyway.Told me that as i have irregular af's not to bother with opk.....which i knew anyway.Told me that my af's arn't a serious problem as i am still getting them and they are not all that irregular.Told me to come back after 3 months if nothing happens in between.I asked about low progesterone (having pcos) and my mc last year and she said lots of women have mc and then go on to have a healthy pregnancy, which i appreciate. Progesterone is not a test which is routinly done here (even if you do suffer with pcos)and you have to have three mc's before any investigation takes place.My cycles are anything form 28 to 35 days and according to the ovulation calender at a 28 day cycle from my last af i should have been ovulating 20th to 26th sep and on a 35 day cycle 28th to 2nd sep,but so far no cm well only the lotion like cm not the ewcm.The dr saw i had made some notes on metformin but she said that is only usually given to ladies with a weight problem and as i'm 8 st and 5ft 4in don't think i'll get put on that.I guess we'll have to keep trying and if nothing happens over the next three months i'll go back, as i was told to do.Good luck girls..... this thread is getting really long but you girls seem to know what you are talking about and you seem a friendly bunch so i'll keep coming back.
Hi Sharni, I can't believe they won't do the progesterone test until you have 3 miscarriages. How could they make someone go through that just for some blood work. It must be really different over here. I wish you luck hun! What does 8st mean in pounds? Just wondering. Hey ladies, I read somewhere that if you BD everyday, like at night then in the AM too, it doesn't hurt your DH sperm count. I was told every other day. It says that 175,000 sperm are deposited, then if you BD the next morning only 75,000 are deposited. BUT, thats an extra 75,000 when it only takes 1. I'm not sure if I ovulated yet, but we are going to try it anyway. It makes sense to me.
Hi everyone. How were your weekends? I got a lot done this weekend, a lot of cleaning. DH and I BD every day this weekend, so I hope this works. I don't feel anything right now. I am due to see AF around Tuesday of next week. Hope you all are doing well. Talk to you.
kellyb and gals....new thread see pcos and clomid new thread.
Hi girls! Hope all is well! Still on ovulex and feeling great. Noticing it's easier to get up in the AM. I have been on it for 8 days and they say it takes 2 weeks to become fully effective. So I am not expecting a BFP this month since I started mid cycle. But I hope you all are doing great. Beth, can u take a picture of your self and email it to us? I would love to see your little belly! Or your U/S pic! Anyways talk to you all soon. KellyN enjoy your month off!! Talk to you all soon!