10dpo - 1st round clomid.. stupied to test?
1 Replies
gen2011 - August 8

Currently 10dpo... have to test this Fri (doc said). On my first round of clomid. Havent had any symptoms except today a bit of a queasy tummy. nothing major..am I crazy to test?? It wouldnt be fmu? Anyone??? xx


Crystal2783 - August 12

I would test, just to know for sure. It's also my first round of clomid. Had an ultrasound on the 10th and the follicles were 10 in size. The doc wants them to be around 16min, 18 or atleast 20max, had another ultrasound 2day and one follicle was at a 12.5. She has me going again monday to see if they've grown. Hopefully they have and I can take my lovely shot..



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