My husband and I have been trying since June of 2009 after having a tubal reversal in April. We have conceived twice but lost them at 5 wks. We are in our 6th month of trying. Today I went to the doctor and we are going to be starting a cycle of clomid and doing an IUI..Has anyone done this? If so, how successful is it? Last question, is it painful? Thank you in advance for your help.
hello guys.. I am new to this forum and just had my IUI..I am on the 2ww...which seems like eternity......
Dear IUI is a successful treatment of infertility and have a good success rate. IUI can be an effective treatment. It is less invasive than IVF and can address a number of issues including ovulation concerns, issues with cervical fluid, and mild sperm issues. Additionally, IUI is significantly less expensive than IVF and may be covered by insurance policies that do not include full fertility coverage.
IUI - Intrauterine insemination is a fertility treatment where sperm is placed inside the uterus for fertilization process. This treatment can be used if you have blocked Fallopian tubes. This treatment is cheaper than IVF treatment and also have good success rate.