help !!
1 Replies
vatnia1987 - July 31

Will the egg retrieval damage my ovaries?How long does an egg retrieval take?


sarvi012 - July 31

The data we have available tells us that it does not. There have been many women who have undergone multiple egg retrievals. The fact that they have responded to stimulation on subsequent occasions and gotten eggs and pregnancies on these occasions implies that the ovaries are OK after egg retrieval. There have been some limited studies looking at the appearance of the ovaries in women who have had egg retrievals and subsequent laparoscopic surgery. In those patients, the findings were normal. Of course we simply have no data as to long term outcomes because IVF and egg retrievals have only been done since 1978, however our opinion, and that of the medical community, is that egg retrieval is a safe procedure where the benefits outweigh the risks Egg retrieval is a fairly rapid procedure. Obviously the length of the procedure depends on how many follicles are present. Also the accessibility of the ovaries will determine how long the procedure will take. Accessibility means how easy is it to reach the ovaries with the ultrasound probe, whether they have a tendency to move away from the probe and so on. The typical egg retrieval will take from 20-30 minutes.We do our egg retrievals under anesthesia so the patient is asleep for the procedure. Our anesthesiologists use medications which heavily sedate the patient so she is “asleep” however, she is not anesthetized so that breathing tubes are not necessary. The beauty of this approach is that the patient feels absolutely nothing, remembers absolutely nothing, and has few if any of the typical side effects of anesthesia such as nausea and vomiting.hope this will help you :)



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