how much IUI cost?
5 Replies
aish - February 7

hi i will be going to shady grove infertility clinic next month, they will do my IUI and blood work, can u please tell me how much that cost as our hands r very tight ...ttc 9 months


Ann - February 7

It depends a lot on what medications you will be taking. What will you be taking, if anything?


Mega - February 7

Hi Aish. Well, the cost of IUI varies place to place. I'm not familiar with the Shady Grove clinic, but where I go (in Cincinnati, OH), I spend $150 on the actual IUI & they charge another $110 or so on the sperm washing, but DH's insurance covers all that except like $6, which is a big help. I'm fortunate to have ins. coverage for u/s which is a big help too. On top of the $150 we pay out of pocket for the IUI, I was spending another $100 or so on the medication, Clomid and trigger shot. But like I said, rates vary. But I hope this helps you come up with a rough idea of the cost. Good luck to you! I hope you find success with IUIs.


Ann - February 7

Like mega said, it does vary around the country. The clinic should be able to provide you with a rate sheet so you can plan for the costs.


aish - February 7

thanx ladies , i dont have rates for IUI but i have for day3 blood work it is $670 , s o i thot if it is so much then IUI must be very costly... i dont know what will happen ? we all need baby
please GOD help us


Jjbennettsgirl - October 8

Where in Cincinnati do you go



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