ovulation question
2 Replies
Faith - May 13

I had ovulation pain on the right ovary last night and then today I've had egg white discharge. So when did I actually ovulate? When I felt the pain or when I saw the mucous? The ovulation calendar, according to my last period, says I would ovulate the 15th.
I just thought someone on here might know.


laimanroom - May 16

to answer this question; go get the ovulation strip test and when you see the two lines then you will ovulation with in the next day or two then you can tell when you ovulate with the muscus. Normal ovulate is about to occur when the mucus and white egg like. usually clear not white.


kristine - May 22

the book I have would say you can be fertile anytime you have the eggwhite discharge. you may have ovualated when you had the pain and if the eggwhite dischg was around you would consider this a fertile time



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