wandering what to do next.
2 Replies
laj - April 11

hi, we've been trying for our second baby for nearly 4 years now. I had my right ovary removed whilst having my daughter. they discovered a cyst on my ovary when I was having the c section. ive been on clomid, about 9 cylcles of it over 2 years. I do already ovulate without clomid. me and partner have been told everything seems in working order but my fertility is slightly low, probably due to my age of just turning 40. we are not really in the position to be spending thousands on ivf but are wandering if maybe it might be worth a go. can anyone give me any advice on this or has anyone been through or going throigh something similiar to me. look forward to some advice. thankyou x x x


jyrrellukex - November 10

Hi, happy to know that you want another baby despite your medical issues. If you want to undergo any of these practicals you should better consult a clinic. I am very much familiar with this ovarian cyst disease. This clinic will provide you with the best care and will prevent the further complications. Hope you get your family completed. 


jyrrellukex - November 10

Hi, it is really appreciating that you are sharing your story. it will help others to come forth with their problems. It is really brave of you to come up with such a problem. I really appreciate your doing. Such ovulation problems are faced by the women of childbearing age. My aunt went to a clinic. Although her case wasn't as similar as your she used to tell me about the current medicine you are taking. Such medicines usually have these types of side effects. I think you need not worry about. Many women are on Clomid nowadays. You will really get a nice feedback if you consult any of the clinics. Hope you get best results with this medication. 



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