stress or too much exercise???
3 Replies
macy - July 26

i gained so much weight for the past few months so i decided to enroll in a gym. been working out for almost 3 months now and made a rapid weight loss. it was almost perfect not until last month when i had my period which lasted for almost a month. am i just stress or am i doing too much exercise? i don't understand! my target is just to lose weight so i won't have any problem getting pregnant. i need your help anyone please?


sheila - July 28

-yeah most probably because of too much stress and exercise.
slow down a little with your exercise routine because it won't help at all..


elizabeth - July 28

if your period occurs a month or more, it only means to say that you are having infrequent ovulation. rapid weight loss or low body weight are some causes of infrequent ovulation.


aimee - August 10

normal period doesn't last that long, well not unless you're approaching menopausal. i just think it's too alarming..have it checked out!



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