4 Replies
I want to be a mommy - April 23

Hello everyone I new to this site, but my name is Erica I\'ve been married for almost 4 years and haven\'t been able to have a baby I\'m currently on my third day of cloimd this is my first round and I\'m really hoping it works because I want to complete my family so bad :( baby dust to all


Wendz - May 15

I'm also new in this web site I had the first dose of clomid! Had a blood test today to see if I've ovulated! Got to call the hospital tomorrow to see if it worked,i don't have any high hopes about it! I had my scan last week and my follical collapsed which they said was good but you never know what the out come can be! Did you have any side effects on the first dose of clomid? It's such a stressful progress baby dust to all! X


Wendz - May 15

On not in sorry silly iPhone! I have pco they said if the 50grm don't work this time around then I have to take the next dose up! :-(


Wendz - May 15

I'm also new in this web site I had the first dose of clomid! Had a blood test today to see if I've ovulated! Got to call the hospital tomorrow to see if it worked,i don't have any high hopes about it! I had my scan last week and my follical collapsed which they said was good but you never know what the out come can be! Did you have any side effects on the first dose of clomid? It's such a stressful progress baby dust to all! X


Micha - May 18

On my first round too 50mg. Cd 19 today. I have had symptomsbut nothing too bad. Today boobs swollen and a little tender. There are so many symptoms wirh this drug i try not to read into them. Good luck to everyone and keep us poosted!



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